


ZCCK 智诚创科 ZCCK Asia Nor140 Nor848 Nor150 声级计 Shengjiji Nor850 声学照相机 Vibration Monitoring Vibration Monitoring 震动监测系统 噪声 声学软件 声像仪 声学照相机 声学照相机 声学照相机 Norsonic Norsonic 公司官网 SoundPLAN Info

All-in-one SoundPLAN 

Indoor & outdoor sound model

SoundPLAN 噪声地图模拟软件是一款可以为噪声预测评估、声环境模拟、 绿建的软件,通过SoundPLAN,你可以建立并检验降噪措施。智诚创科公司所提供的三维噪声地图系统是一个适用于噪声规划的软件系统,可协助您高效地绘制三维噪声地图,还将提供图形工具,包括三维模型及动画,为专业报告提供生动的素材,订立更合适的噪声解决方案,在实施解决方案之后,周围的环境噪声的改善可以直观地“看得见”。

随着研究不断扩展,SoundPLAN 9.0 版就要跟大家见面啦。SoundPLAN 9.0 的升级将携带着更加多强大的新功能与大家见面。

SoundPLAN  8版的最新功能 :

  • 工业噪声分析模组新功能:如何由测量得到的音量来计算噪声源强度、如何设定声音      传播指向性、工业建筑设定
  • 航空噪声分析模组功能:雷达轨迹设定、直升机噪声分析
  • 建筑声学模组:分析户外噪声对於室内的影响
  • 图形模组使用教育训练:新功能介绍
  • Tonal Noise: VDI 3722-2噪声评估
  • 模拟以扬声器做声场测试的设定 (搭配与d&b audiotechnik合作开发的软体)

SoundPLAN 是一款可用于噪声预测评估、声环境模拟、绿建软件、噪声控制优化设计的集成软件,模拟噪声包括交通噪声、室内和室外噪声、工业噪声、飞机噪声等,超过50种噪声的收集,满足不同客户的使用需求。





SoundPLAN® was one of the very first noise modeling softwares on the market, debuting in 1986. Due to its ever increasing popularity on the world market, an international office was opened in 1999. The core of our business was and is the prediction of noise in the environment. Noise emitted by various sources propagates and disperses over a given terrain in accordance to the laws of physics. Worldwide, many governments and engineering associations felt the need to algorithmize the principles of acoustics so that different engineers assessing the same scenario would get reasonably close answers.

Incorporating more than 50 major national and international standards, SoundPLAN is a versatile tool for engineers responsible for noise prediction/control, land use or air purity planning, environmental impact studies or public enquiries.We join the team of 35 specially selected distributors who provide SoundPLAN support and training to 5,000 users worldwide.

With the new Sound Particle Diffraction (SPD) model, it is now possible to model a factory building with multiple rooms and calculate the transmission from room to room through the walls. This means we can evaluate scenarios where a source is encapsulated in a machine enclosure, calculate the noise level in an operator stand shielded from the noisy factory floor, compute noise levels in an office adjacent to the noisy factory floor or the standard setup for power plants where the turbine sits on a floor slab and part of the machine house is open from ground to the roof.

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